H.B. 30

SKU: H-301, H-316

Ice Machine Cleaner

  • Removes slime and scale buildup and restores efficiency of ice machines
  • Fast acting, non-foaming
  • Nickel Safe
  • Meets Manitowoc spec. GES-6 for ice machine cleaner
  • All food-grade ingredients

Directions for use:

Read entire label & Safety Data Sheet before use.

  • Follow equipment manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. If not available, use the following as a guide:
  • Drain machine and refill with fresh water.
  • Turn off refrigeration and leave pump in operation if possible.
  • Add H.B. 30 to circulating water at the rate of 3 – 6 ounces per gallon.
  • Circulate for approximately 30 minutes, brushing solution on surfaces not contacted by circulating solution.
  • Extra heavy scale may require repeat application. Clean drums by mixing 8 ounces H.B. 30 with 2 quarts water and brush on scaled surfaces.

Additional Sizes

H-3011 GAL4
H-31616 OZ12

Additional information